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Wildlife of the World

Don E, Wilson, “Wildlife of the World”
English | ISBN: 1465438041 | 2015 | PDF | 480 pages | 137 MB

Wildlife of the World takes you on a journey through some of the most scenic and rich animal habitats – from the Amazon rain forests to the Himalayas, the Sahara to the South Pole – meeting the most important animals in each ecosystem along the way.

In Wildlife of the World truly spectacular portrait-style photography brings you “face-to-face” with individual animals in up-close and engrossing profiles on how the animals interact with their environments, mate, survive, and even play.

From the shaggy musk ox foraging in the Canadian high arctic to the angered Scottish wildcat prowling the Highlands to the rock-climbing gelada monkey of Ethiopia, each animal featured in Wildlife of the World plays a key role in its environment. An additional eighty-page illustrated reference section on the animal kingdom explains the animal groups and profiles additional species.

Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution.







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