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Sugar Cats (Twenty to Make)

Sugar Cats (Twenty to Make) by Frances Mcnaughton
English | 27 Nov. 2015 | ISBN: 1782212876 | 48 Pages | AZW4/PDF (True) | 60.58 MB

Frances has a unique ability to create beautifully crafted models in sugarpaste, which she s able to break down into simple, achievable steps. Like the sugar dogs, the cats in this book resemble real cats rather than fun cartoon characters, and this will be the book’s USP. A variety of cat types are included, such as a Burman, tabby, Siamese and endless variations of the moggy not to mention kittens, ginger toms, etc. all in various poses (sleeping, playing, etc.) and there’s even a tiny sugar mouse and some butterflies. As with her previous books, this book will include a section on the materials needed, and each project will show all the component parts of the finished cat, with instructions on how to construct it. This will be an ideal book for sugarcrafters wishing to create the perfect cake topper for their cat-loving friends and family.





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