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Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference

Warren Gay, “Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference”
2014 | ISBN-10: 1484208005 | 248 pages | PDF | 3 MB

The Raspberry Pi is deceptively simple. Plug it in, boot it up, and use it as a personal computer, or attach a million gizmos and modules and invent something new and amazing. Either way, what it can actually do is not simple, and you should know exactly what the Raspberry Pi hardware is all about. Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference, from Mastering the Raspberry Pi, is the hardware guide you need on your desk or workbench.

Every detail is covered: from power to memory, from the CPU to working with USB. You’ll find all the details about working with both wired and wireless Ethernet, SD cards, and the UART interface. The GPIO chapter is invaluable, covering power budgeting, access, and even small but important details like the correct usage of sudo when working with GPIO pins. You’ll also find details about the 1-Wire driver, the I2C bus, and the SPI bus. If you need to know anything about your Raspberry Pi’s hardware, you will find it here, in Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference.

What you’ll learn
How to work with Raspberry Pi power, including adapters and battery requirements
Working with header strips and LEDs
Working with SDRAM and memory mapping
Understanding the CPU
Interface details, including USB, UART, and GPIO
Who this book is for

Raspberry Pi hobbyists who need know all of the details about Raspberry Pi hardware and what Linux files and commands control that hardware.


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